Monday, February 5, 2024

RUMOR: Tell-all Interview with Oprah

 The DailyMail is reporting that The Sun has a source telling them that Justin wants to do a sit-down interview with Oprah Winfrey. 

"A source has now told The Sun about how he wants to use a chat with Oprah, 70, to publicly address the fallout of his fresh spat with [Britney Spears]...," wrote The DailyMail.

"He really doesn't want to do it but the louder the backlash gets the more he feels he may have to," however, is the line that broke me. I will always be of the opinion that Justin has nothing to apologizve for and has nothing to explain. 

What do you think of this? Personally, I don't think it'll happen, at least not with Oprah. If he were to ever show his side of the story, I think he would save that for his own documentary. 

You can read the full DailyMail article here on Justin-Timberlake-Online at the link below:


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