Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Justin and Jessica are on the up-and-up (02/07/24)

 A source reveals to ET that Justin and Jessica, who are dealing with false rumors of divorce, are, in fact, doing very well for themselves. 

"They have each other's back and are each other's biggest fans when it comes to their careers," the source claims. They go on to reveal that they are constantly connecting via FaceTime.

It is also revealed that the pair have been going to couple's therapy. "They make sure to have a good balance and occasionally will see a therapist for a check in," the source adds. "Justin is always making Jessica laugh and is a great husband. He worships her."

""Justin and Jess love to have date nights and also love to sit around, watch movies, and be together as a family at home. . . They have so much fun with Silas and Phineas and their boys are the best thing that ever happened to them."

The source also claims that Justin is planning a surprise for Jessica's birthday, and that he made sure his tour started after her birthday. 

You can read the full article right here on Justin-Timberlake-Online:


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